
Are you moving and will need space for your piano? Learn more about moving all your music and musical instruments.


Why Acoustic Musicians Work Best For Entertainment At Most Events

7 December 2022
, Blog

When it comes to organizing entertainment for a party, birthday, or celebration of any kind, it can be hard to choose what direction to go in. While musicians are certainly very popular, knowing what type to get can be more challenging than you first realize. While there certainly is a time and place for loud music and blaring amps pumping tunes out to huge crowds, most events you go to are too small for these to make sense and these elements can just be distracting.
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Dissolve Creative Blocks for Guitarists

26 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a guitar player who feels like you're stuck in a rut, don't worry—you're not alone. Many guitarists go through periods where they feel like they're not making any progress.  The good news is that there are things you can do to get out of your funk and start making progress again. Before trying anything else, one of the best things you can do is to focus on your practice routine:
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An Introduction To Using A Cello

23 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you curious about playing a string instrument and have considered playing the cello? If so, you'll likely be seeking out lessons to teach you the skills you need. Here is what you can expect to learn during your first lesson about holding the cello and using the bow Holding The Cello Everything starts with knowing the right way to hold the cello so that you have a good foundation for playing.
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Decisions To Make When You Hire A Singer For An Event

5 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A live singer can add a festive and fun feel to all sorts of events. If you feel that this type of performer would be a good fit for an occasion that you're planning, an internet search will present you with numerous singers for hire in your area. While you'll need to think about what type of music you feel will be the best choice for your event, there are several other topics to think about.
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Three Random Reasons Why Your Piano Might Not Sound Great And How To Fix It

18 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Real pianos (not one of the digital varieties) are still quite a popular form of a musical instrument across America, with many loving how tactile it is and all the intricate details that work together to make a beautiful sound. However, all of these complicated little workings inside your piano also make it very susceptible to minor problems that can cause it to break down and sound a little funny. If your piano is not as sharp or clear as it used to be, or just sounds off-key, then it might not be just in your head.
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About Me
A Cherished Christmas Gift

When I was a kid, my maternal grandparents spoiled me. I was their first grandchild. So, they showered me with affection and gifts whenever they got the opportunity to do so. When I was four-years-old, they bought me a piano for Christmas. Because my grandfather died when I was twelve-years-old, this piano has always been extremely special to me. Unfortunately, when I moved into my current home, I could not bring this beautiful instrument with me. My house was too small. Thankfully, my husband and I are planning a major addition to this tiny, brick home. When the construction is complete, I plan to move my piano from my parents’ house to my home. I can’t wait to make joyful music on this piano again. On this blog, I hope you will be inspired to play the music in your heart.